Android Application Development
Since 2005 Google's Android has become popular as an Operating System for Mobile Phones and Tablet PCs, Now Laptops are also available with inbuilt Android Operating System installed in it. It is a time when every business unit needs an Android Application to manage and promote its business. Selecom Has designed a Course that makes trainees able to construct-design-develop an effective business application with monetization.
Android Application Development course gives you International Certificate From Google. After clearing the exam you can include your digital mark in your email signature as well as you can embed it on your profile such as LinkedIn and Twitter.
Benefit of learning Android Application Development From Selecom Technology
Training through the At-Time-Application-Development
Total 24 Application In the Entire Courseware with minimum 01 Real-Time Project
Practical On Real Android Phones/devices.
Experienced Trainers From Well-Know IT-Companies
Extra Seminars for Related Advanced Technologies in Android
Audio/Video Recording Of the sessions.
Facility of sending Class-room codes over the E-Mail.
Course Content
The Concept of Super Encapsulated Programming
The Object Model and the Class Blue Print
Method, Class and Package level binding
Building Blocks of OOPs
Character Set
Variable/ Constant
Data Types
Operators(Arithmetic,Relational, Logical, Unary, Bit wise etc )
Plateform (Tools and Rules)
Programming with Java (Required Part for Android)
Installing and preparing the JDK for JAVA
Class declaration
Use of Output methods
Use of Public Static Void Main and The String Array
Running your First Java Application
Decision Making (Branching)
One Way (If)
Two Way (If-else)
Multi way (if-else if-else)
Switch Case
Looping Construct
Single For Loop
While Loop
Do-While Loop
Nesting of the Loops
Printing Different Symbols in Different Shapes
Encapsulation using Methods
Function syntax
Return Type Functions
Function Overloading
Constructor Overloading
Static Methods
Static and Non-Static Blocks
Putting Classes Together
Multiple Classes Access
Multilevel Inheritance
Function Over ridding
Securing data of a table
Exception Handling
Throws and Throw
Pixel Programming with Applet
Applet and Graphics class
DrawLine, drawRect,drawRoundRect, drawOval, drawArc
Filling the objects
Setting colors to the objects
APP: Smiling Face
Creating a Package
CLASSPATH for pack
Putting classes into the Package
Using Multiple classes in a package
Using Interface
Implementing interface
Multiple inheritance
Getting Started with Android
What Is Android?
Brief History of Embedded Device Programming
Open Handset Alliance and Android Introduction to Android
Downloading and Installing Eclipse
Why Eclipse?
Downloading and Installing the JRE/jdk
Downloading and Installing Eclipse
Downloading and Installing the Android SDK
Downloading the Android SDK
Downloading and Installing the Android Plug-in for Eclipse
Configuring the Android Plug-in for Eclipse
Android Stack
Overview of the stack
Linux Kernel
Native Libraries
Dalvik Virtual Machine
Exploring the Android SDK
Android Application Life Cycle
Hello World Application
Creating the first Android Application
Examining the Android-Created Files
Referenced Libraries
The manifest File
Layout Resources
Running the application on emulator
Using an Image in The Application
Using ImageView for Image-HelloWorls App
Different Image file (Extensions) Support on Android
App: HelloAndroid
Main Building Blocks
Default Packages
Importing Required Packages
Activity LifeCycle
Content Providers
Broadcast Receivers
Working on and Preparing Android User Interface
XML Layout Files
Java Files for UI
Dips, DPI, DP and SPs
Views and Layouts
Setting Content View
Basic UI Components
Performing and Handling user events
Drawable folders
Android Apps Building
Declaring Variables
Using TextView for values to be printed
Using Conditions
Using Looping constructs in Android
APP: NumComparison
Designing an Application
Implementation of Widgets
Using Radio Buttons
Setting Properties, Color etc with widgets
Drawing Buttons
Performing events using buttons
APP: TempConvertia
Android: Multiple Rows Scrolling
Using for loop to get Multiple values in Textview
Using The ScrollView Layout
Scrolling the text or Values
APP: Scroll AppNumbers
Android Menu Items
Using Menus
Designing Menus in Java
Designing Menus in XML
Click Event on Menus
Images on Menus
APP: MenuTenuApp
Android Table Layout
Using Table Layout
Putting Buttons in Rows
Creating spans in columns
Spanning buttons in Columns
APP: Toggling the Button
Android Layout Understanding
Linear Layout
Scroll Layout
List Layout
Table Layout
Frame Layout
Relative Layout
Absolute Layout
APP: MyFormDesig
Android: Dialog Creation
Alert Dialog
Dialog Builder
Negative-Positive Button management
Popping TOAST
APP: Activity CloserApp
Advanced UI
Creating Lists
Array Adapters
AutoComplete TextViews
DropDown Spinners
Drop Down View Resource
Android: Play with Multimedia
Multimedia supported audio formats
Simple Media Playback
Supported Video Formats
Simple Video Playback
APP: My KollveryDi
Android: E-Book (PDF Opener)
Accessing File Objects
Reading files from SDC
Implicit Intents
Setting manifest for permission
Invoking Phone Dialler
Invoking Web Browser
Invoking google MAP
Invoking Contacts
APP: MyPersApp
Explicit Intents
Setting manifest for permission
Creating second xml
Creating second Java
Buttons to call java class
Invoking Other Activity
APP: MyIntentiaApp
Perfection in Advanced AndroidCustom Content Providers
Why content Providers
Where the contents come from
Implementing the API supporting content files
APP: ReadPhoneNums
Overview of services in Android
Implementing a service
Service lifecycle
Location Services
Working with the location Manager
Finding an specified location
APP: FindmylocApp
Google Map in Location Services
Getting API Key From Google
Integrating API Code to the XML file
Using MapActivity to show googleMAP
Moving pointer to a specified location
APP: ShowMeOnMap
Broadcast Receivers
What are broadcast receiver
Implementing broadcast receiver
System broadcasts and how to use them
Hardware Buttons Actions
Creating Smart Menus
Scrolling Menus
Action on Back Btn
Overriding HW Button’s Action.
Action Using HeadPhone’s Button
APP: OverSmartM
Sensors (Accelerometer)
How sensors work
Listening to sensor reading
Best Practices for performance
SensorManager Activity
APP: ShaketoChangeCol
Checking WIFI Device
Using WifiManager
Making WIFI ON or OFF
APP: GetConnToNet
Using Implicit Intent to Invoke Phone Dialler
Using Intent to Make Calls
Dial to a number entered in EditText Box.
Using App on Real Device
APP: DailAFriendApp
Invoking The Camera through Intent
Path to reach the Camera Hardware Driver
APP: ClickAPic
Blue Tooth
Checking local BT device
Enabling the BT Device
Discovering the bonded Devices
APP: BilluOnDev
SQLite Data base
Introduction to SQLite3
Running SQlite3 using ADB shell
Getting Info for Database, Tables and Schemas etc
Selecting data, Restricting Rows, Normalization implementation
Data Manipulation Statements using Insert, Update and Delete Statements
Data Definition Language using Alter, Create and Drop
Seeking Help in SQLite3
Using Mode with List, line, column HTML,CSV
Using Header ON/OFF
Using Functions
Introducing SQLite in Android
SQLite OpenHelper and creating a database
Opening and closing a Database
Working with cursors Inserts, Updates, and deletes
APP: MyStudentsList
Work With Tablet
Get your Apps on TabletPC
Get Connected with Tablet HoneyComb or Ice-Cream-Sandwich
Work With Your Android Phone
Get your Apps on Phone
Get Connected with Phones GingerBread or Butter-Scotch
App Transfer Among Hand Sets
01 Project class room Based Real Project.
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